Moving Frenzy Meanderings!

Moving is just tons of fun.  Let me tell you... packing box after box, loading a truck, unloading the truck, dealing with the dirty messes in the back of the closets, wiping down cabinets, is about the most entertaining thing to do in the world.  NOT! The process of moving, even just across town, pretty much sucks.  It's daunting work. And seriously my family has a way to much crap. Less is more, and we need to learn this. In the end, it's a pretty great thing to be moving from one place to the next, especially since our new place is much more cozy! Even though, the workload is hard, knowing that this move comes flowing from God's provision for my family makes the work a joyful task.

In all of this I have realized that my husband and I have a wonderful blessing in our ability to work together.  As he works, pouring sweat, and even a little blood, I marvel at how he loves our family so much. It's a labor of love to carry out and in, box after box of books, dressers, tables and chairs, and couches. It's been my honor to help him as best I can though I offer little strength, he has been gracious and happy to have my help.  He gives really good directions for how to lift something properly and doesn't get impatient.  When a couple or a family moves there is plenty of room for disagreement and tension. This has not been our experience, and I know that this flows out of Christ being the head of our marriage. I thank God, that in this hectic time, a fruit our marriage has yielded is mutual cooperation.  So much, so that I have to say that this move has been pleasantly memorable. Even when a large tall storage cabinet fell off the hand truck crashing and breaking all over the street we were able to laugh.

Moving can bring on so many different thoughts and emotions.  It's difficult to leave the memories, good and bad, behind. Then there's fear that the new place or neighborhood may have issues. Moving brings many changes to life in a very short amount of time. It can effect routines especially. However, I am determined that these changes will be for the better. New place new habits.  I am not so sure the kids will be entirely thrilled with this approach, but whatever I'm the mom.

Every time we move I fret over if the house will feel like home. Currently, we feel a bit like we are on vacation, even with our stuff scattered everywhere, as the condition of the house is a vast improvement.  Even as things still feel a bit surreal after just two nights, I am surprised by how quickly we feel at home. There's room for our family to be a family. Which is a very good thing! Family is what makes a house a home.

Now I better get back to work unpacking!

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