I'm A Kid In A Writing Shoppe

This has been such a crazy week! It has given me so many things to write about.  Lol.. my "to write list" is already quite long.  So I find myself in a conundrum.  I'm like a kid in a candy shoppe, unable to decide.  It must be the ADD, OCD, mommy brain or something.  I just don't know where to begin. Which topic to choose??  Maybe I'll start on this one... oh wait let me just write out these quick thoughts first. Sigh... So I thought I would write a post about this bit of calamity going on in my mind.

When it comes to choosing a topic I have a hard time picking what it will be.  As I go about cleaning the house I think about and run phrases through my head... but then when it's time to write them... Uggh, I can't remember what or how I wanted to express the thought. So I jump to another topic... I get distracted from one part of life to another.  I guess I am simply interested in so many things. Oh, the things I could write...  Life with my husband and the kids, our funny experiences of learning to cook, read, write, and live life in general.  Then of course my passion of theology.  I could talk about doctrine and faith non-stop if people would let me.  I could write about my favorite things like coffee.  Then there's culture and politics.  The places I've been, the things I want to do... The display in my brain is full of exciting topics! I just need to choose and write! But which one will be the sweetest?

I thoroughly enjoy writing... all but the work of actually siting down and typing out my thoughts. Humm... that's an exaggeration,  I like it. I think I'm simply addicted to procrastination sometimes. Or I am a perfectionist of some sort. Perfectionism and procrastination they go hand in hand right?? Overall I enjoy completing the task.  I appreciate being able to share my thoughts with all of you.  I'm thankful that you all put up with them :)

Of course in this blogosphere, I am not the only writer. If I even qualify as a writer yet.  There are so many fantastic blogs to read! I know you all may share the same issue I do of deciding or finding something to write about.  Keep on keeping on.  Thank you for what you do.  Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ideas and your hearts in this crazy blogtropolis.

I am working on putting together a resource page with all my favorite blogs, pages, and sites, but here are a few to get you started!







1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing :) and I don't know any blogger who can't relate to this :) though I'm in the situation where I have no topics ;)
