Table Talking With Kids

Table Talking With Kids

Even though we do regular family devotions and my kids from time to time bring us their questions, I still feel the need to check on their perceptions of Christianity. Living in the "Bible Belt" they are and will be exposed to many a false teaching, fads, and movements regarding doctrine. As parents my husband and I want them to know what they confess with discernment.  At dinner when the conversation runs dry or when there is a pause in the bickering (sigh) it's fun to pose a question. 

The other night I asked...

Me: What is the main point of being a Christian?

Child 1: Well what we believe...

Me: Well alright, but is just simply believing something the point?

Child 1: No.. ugh (Its summer child 1 wants to keep her brain on a break)

Me: Other religions believe something... what is different about what we believe?  What is the main point of Christianity?

Child 2: We are Baptized! 

Me: Yes, baptism makes us Christian, we need baptism but its the main point of Christianity that makes baptism so wonderful. 

Child 3: Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again on Easter!

Ding Ding Ding!!!

Child 1: Yes, well that's what I meant . 

It's so easy to forget this. 

This is what makes this such an important question.  So often these days as people teach kids they present the main point of Christianity to be "how" we live by the works that we do. This is wrong. Not that how we live is unimportant, but it's not the center of Biblical Christian doctrine (teaching). The church has one foundation!! It's not the Christian life or purpose driven life or our commitment (these legalistic doctrines are not truly scriptural).   Setting our thoughts on what we do is to only look inward to ourselves. Our living is not what saves us. It's not our obedience that gains us favor in the sight of the Father.

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